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The Chefpreneur Podcast

Aug 20, 2018

The day is finally here and we are ready to get going! In this first podcast for the Chefpreneur Podcast, Chef Andres shares his excitement about the Chefpreneur movement.


Chefpreneur was born by mixing the word entrepreneur and chef. We are in the Uber, Lyft, and AirBnb movement …. “disruptive technologies” … Restaurants and hotels aren’t going to be extinct, but the chef industry will be revolutionized because people now have options. The cost to start up a restaurant is overwhelming and most chefs don’t have the capital to do it. The investment is huge and to pay it back is extremely difficult. The term Chefpreneur is all about a movement of chefs who have taken the industry back into their own hands. There are many chefs who are under-appreciated, overworked, and underpaid. The Chefpreneur is someone who has taken the risk to step out on their own … leaving the kitchens of hotels, restaurants, and corporations. They are leaving the politics, food costs, and subpar products behind.

In this podcast, Chef Andres talks about the day he decided to make some changes in his career. He was burned out, under-appreciated, and found it difficult to motivate his staff who were also experiencing those very same feelings. He was being paid well and could support his family, but something was missing. He realized that it was time to step out on faith. He started his own catering and farmers market business but soon found that there was very little money in that. He was happy cooking for people and seeing their reactions when they tasted his food, but he had to figure out something to bring in more income. He had reached a point where he and his wife and their 3 children had to move in with family to make ends meet. Chef Andres soon got a tip that one of the owners of a hotel he had worked for was looking to hire a personal chef. He did a tasting with the hotel owner and got the job. He was cooking for 2 people, 5 days a week, earning a decent salary (Less than what he made at the hotel), but he was still unfulfilled. He was still working for someone else.

Dinner with a Chef, Andres’ personal chef business, was born when he decided to step out fully on his own. He did not want to live paycheck to paycheck and wondered how he could create strategic partnerships to build a business where he could take back control of his life.

Find out how Chef Andres put the industry back in his own hands and built a successful and fulfilling personal chef business in today’s podcast.

We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with no holding them back!

We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

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