Apr 24, 2019
Thank you so much for tuning in! This podcasts episode starts off with a question from Erron, one of the webinar’s students. His question is:
“I want to learn about personal equipment setup and packaging meals for reheating and what does a client expects with that?”.
Okay, when it comes to Weekly Meal...
Apr 18, 2019
Chef Andres Hinojosa starts this week’s podcast by answering a question e-mailed by Tiffany, one of the members of the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group. The question is: “Where and how do I find clients consistently? And how do I find good or right clients?” Upon starting up a business, it is important that...
Apr 10, 2019
This podcast episode starts with a question from Jennifer, a member of the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook group. Her question is related to the last podcast episode topic: Pricing. She asks, “How do you price kids?”. For kids, it is important that you price on an age range basis because not all kids eat the same. A...
Apr 3, 2019
This podcast episode starts with a question to be answered by our host, Chef Andres Hinojosa. As related to our topic: Pricing. This question is from Maria, “Is there a good formula on how to structure your prices for your services for weekly clients or one time sporadic events and what factors to consider in making...