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The Chefpreneur Podcast

Mar 13, 2020

In putting up any kind of business, it takes hard work and perseverance to reach success. Some of my students said that they’ve started out the Personal Chef Business before but always end in failure. For me, the most ambitious person and the one who wants it the most is the one who always succeeds in this business.


The purpose of this podcast is to give hope and motivation to those who are pursuing or already have an existing personal chef business and adjusting mentally because I personally know that it’s difficult to stay motivated. 


People often think that it’s easier to give up and that’s why most people don’t garner much success in life. Although there are certain things in life where giving up may be necessary, most are just excuses. Remember that excuses are the rabbit holes of failure. Instead, get up and dust yourself off and try again! 


What you need to do to achieve success are the following:


  1. Do not give up! Keep trying and keep doing! Don’t stop and don’t get tired until you reach your goal.
  2. Look for someone that has already achieved the level of success that you want for yourself. Start looking around for someone who can teach or mentor you. Because you’ll be sure that these people know what they are doing and they have already experienced a level of hardship before reaching their success.
  3. Look for an accountability group or person so whenever you feel down or discouraged, you can get motivation support and encouragement to keep going.



You can join and register for our Free webclass at where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, How to find the right clients and how to give an amazing experience to your clients.


Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 


And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef! 




We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Personal Chef Business.


The future is yours… put it into your own hands!